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Status: Ongoing, since 2015

The village Bahoi in North Sulawesi used to suffer from the consequences of destructive behaviors, for example, overfishing, fish poisoning, and bombing coral reefs. Fishing is, however, the primary source of income for many people. This led to poverty and other issues. Ecological tourism offers an alternative livelihood and a way out for many people.


  • To offer an alternative livelihood for people who cannot live of fishing anymore

  • To ensure the protection of the marine protected areas

  • To stop the use of destructive fishing techniques

  • To prevent continuously decreasing numbers of  fish


  • Introducing a program to the Bahoi village to improve the condition of coastal and marine areas

  • Encouraging the inhabitants to develop ecological tourism, planning activities, opening homestays...

Local fishery



Strengthening the management of marine and coastal resources, demanding the active involvement of the community, resulted in the environmental protection of the habitats in Bahoi village.


Gradually the condition of mangrove forest, seagrass, and coral reefs have started improving (72% of respondents of KBA CEPF Marine socioeconomic survey program 2015 confirmed it). The positive outcome of the program has a social dimension, as fishermen in Bahoi village could recognize various species of marine life including skipjack, squid, and other large reef fish and are able to catch them close to the coast. Surprisingly the added value of the program is that now Bahoi village became an Ecotourism Village.\N


Tourists with a local guide

Nowadays the community has some homestays, as well as a professional dive guide group and is still working on other touristic activities. The unique underwater world draws the attention of tourists, who choose the Bahoi village as their holiday destination. 

Pier at the village Bahoi

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for the coastal and marine environment

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